2024 Shortlist Bournemouth Writing Prize

We are proud to announce the Shortlist for the 2024 Bournemouth Writing Prize. Thank you to all of our amazing writers for sharing your work.



  • 2nd Rate Citizen – Amelia Dyer
  • Found Words – Lorraine Manton
  • Salt on His Tail – Susan Martin
  • Ash Red – Emery Finch
  • Mothers of Beslan – Ekaterina Crawford
  • On the Menu – Paris ’72 – Lorraine Gibson
  • Still Light – Roxana Vilk
  • [the summer Lily turns into a mermaid] – Kate Horsley
  • How it would be – Christian Donovan


  • hide – Helena Gadelha

Highly Commended

  • Exosphere Whispers from Her Dark and Gauzy Blanket – Sharon Black


  • Ecclesiastes – Julie Leoni

Short Stories


  • A full-throated extravaganza – Judy Birkbeck
  • The Date – Alison Langley


  • Easter Sunday – Terry Kerins
  • She – Isobel Granger
  • Blue Dress, White Floral Pattern – Christopher David Roberts
  • It Should Have Been Me – JE Rowney


  • Bad Blood – Mary Shovelin