Tag: Short Story

  • Picador Commissioning Editor, Ansa Khan Khattak, reveals what she likes to see in a story

    Picador Commissioning Editor, Ansa Khan Khattak, reveals what she likes to see in a story

    Click here to watch Ansa Khan Khattak, one of the The Bournemouth Writing Prize judges, share her thoughts on what makes a great short story. Short story entries can be on any theme, and in any genre. The only stipulation is that they are less than 3000 words. For more information on how to enter,…

  • Short Story Winner 2018

    Short Story Winner 2018

    The winner of the Fresher Writing Prize for short story has been announced. Our judge, author Claire Fuller, had a lot of amazing short story entries to sift through over the last few months, but she did finally come to a final decision on her favourite monster story! The Fresher Writing Prize 2018 winner for…

  • Fresher Writing Prize Shortlist

    Fresher Writing Prize Shortlist

    The standard (and number!) of entries has been incredibly high this year, so it has been quite a challenge to come up with a shortlist. Debate among the judging panel has been intense, as I’m sure you can imagine, but we’re finally agreed and here it is!  Congratulations if your name is included below and,…

  • Extra prizes for Fresher Writing Prize category winners

    Extra prizes for Fresher Writing Prize category winners

    The Fresher Writing Prize has a new sponsor, our huge thanks to Dorset Digital Print . This means that all the category winners in the Fresher Writing Prize will now receive £100 on top of their other prize. So another reason to enter (if you needed one!). Dorset Digital Print will once again be printing…

  • Exploring Characters

    Exploring Characters

    When creating and writing about a character, imagine them as real and try to get to know them. A way of exploring your characters in as much detail as needed is by creating a table. Try to structure your table like this: Character Name Appearance Personality Favourite Saying  Favourite Food Sally Long brown hair, blue eyes,…

  • The Writing Witches are flying around

    The Writing Witches are flying around

    Last week saw the Writing Witches visit Wool C of E Primary school and everyone had a spellbinding time. Working with the pupils to develop their ideas and build their self esteem, the witches set the children on their way to producing fantastic entries for the Writing Wizardry Competition and who knows, maybe a future…